Product Reviews

Urban Rubble Review

Sound and Fury Productions

Urban Rubble Review
Urban Rubble Review

Urban Rubble was overall a really good first offering consisting of most of the top talent in Washington and elsewhere (people included are Aaron Artis, Mark Hubbard, Mike Swim, Josh Jones, 2 Hawks Young, Scott Yamamura, Huy Lee and many many more). It was mostly a street skating video and a really good street skating video at that, but I expected it to be as much, it did have some footage of the butter bowl at the end though which was nice. Plus Marshall opened the video with that once in a lifetime footage of Tom skating the Kingdome roof before it’s destruction. I was impressed with this offering and look forward to see future installments and maybe a Manik Skateboards video as well. I recommend definitely picking up a copy, and not just copy it but actually buy it, support the local scene and the people who make it great. This should help put Washington on the map, let the rest of the country know we have some sick talent up here.

The video is not yet available as of this publishing (4/22/02), contact info is below and they should be ready in a couple weeks.

Marshall “Stack” Reid
Sound and the Fury Productions

1044 4th Ave. S.
Seattle, WA 98134