Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I submit articles, photos, or video clips to Concrete Disciples?
    Yes, we greatly appreciate contributions of all sorts. We have many areas that are ‘Self Service’, including posting Flyers/Events to our Events Calendar, Submitting Photographs to our photo database, and Press Releases to our Bulletin Board Section. If you would like to add photos or articles to the website please send them in us via email. Do not send us any materials that don’t belong to you or that lack permission to be published on this website.
  • How do I advertise on Concrete Disciples?
    Check out our Advertiser information page for details.
  • Can I be Sponsored?
    We don’t have a skateboard team so the answer is NO.
  • Who can I contact about the status of my order?
    Please contact Concrete Disciples Directly if you ordered straight from us @ and expect a response within a few hours. Please send as many details as you can in your email so we can track it down quickly.
  • Can Concrete Disciples help sponsor our event?
    Yes, we often have a little swag to send out for prizes. It depends on what we have in stock at the time but we can usually come up with something.
  • Can you remove me from your newsletter?
    Our Newsletter is completely automated. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter in your profile account settings. Log into your account and open up your privacy settings (in the profile tab drop down menu).
  • Can you remove my account from the Community Section?
    Not without a lot of work, please contact us if you really need your account removed.