Product Reviews

Joker Skaterboards – Disgrace to Society Deck

Joker Skaterboards
Disgrace to Society Deck
9″ X 32.5″

Joker Skaterboards - Disgrace to Society Deck
Joker Skaterboards – Disgrace to Society Deck

I’ve been riding the Joker board. I’ve even let a couple of Disciples ride it. Almost everyone, including my boys and I, conclude that the board rides and feels good. What most people agree upon, is that the board has a lot of nose which hangs over the front trucks. But, then again, there was one person that felt Joker was onto something with that concept. Other than that, the board turns good while flying through bowls. The weight seems to be at a good industry standard. Wood quality appears to be right up there with the norm.

Also, the tail could use a little more hanging over the rear trucks and perhaps a fatter outline w/more squareness to it. Although if someone were to somehow devise a way for me to ride the board without looking down, I’d have to admit that the board does it’s intended job. Keep in mind, I’m not a street skater. So if the board was designed for any kind of street skating, I only engage in the old freestyle mode. A new school skater might find this board to be to their liking. Due to the narrowness of it all and the hyper-kicked extended nose area. I DID find that the board pulls off insane one or two footed nosewheelies around the pools decks. Something that I like to do in between runs.

The screening quality is very good, meaning the paint and application process. Overall, a fun board. The only other area that needs to be tested, would be the aerial department. I haven’t done those in years. I’m quite sure that the board would handle air tactics just fine, however.