Product Reviews

Punk Rock Skateboards

Punk Rock Skateboards
Exploited Deck

Exploited Punk Rock Skateboards Deck
Exploited Punk Rock Skateboards Deck

If you’ve been under a rock, or you happen to be a newbie to this site, then there is no excuse why you shouldn’t be aware of the Team Goon crew, or more importantly, Punk Rock Skateboards. And if you’re a fan of punk music, these boards are for you. Aside from having their boards emblazoned with the graphics of legendary punk acts as well as some newer bands, the boards themselves kick ass. And to put a cherry on top, the company is dedicated to keeping old school skating and punk alive and well. The wood is as solid as the team of rippers that rides them. I pretty much wanted to hang the thing on my wall, but I had a job to do. And what a fun job it was trying to destroy it. A board with solid pop and the size and shape was perfect. Best board I’ve ridden in a while. But of course most of you know this but for those that don’t, drag your sorry asses over to for all the dirt on punk, skating, punk gigs, pools, more punk, pictures of punk shows and skating, etc. You get the hint, now go buy a PRS board.