Feature Article

Old Guy Bowl Jam Series, Stop #1, Pedlow Skatepark


There are many stories to tell, and the old guys always have the most. Todays tale is about attrition. Skateboarding is a wonderful yet punishing sport. It is part of the majesty of it. Your going to have to pick yourself up off the ground almost immediately as soon as you ever step onto a rolling piece of wood. Our senses just aren’t ready the first time. This first step is the point where most people either hang it up or decide “I aint going to let anything in life stop me “. So after the first day the majority of potential skateboarders get left in the dust and move on to things in life that are easier. That is attrition!


Mike Buckley - usually the 'Old Guy' ripping Pedlow, today he won the Young Guns division 30-39 year olds.
Mike Buckley – usually the ‘Old Guy’ ripping Pedlow, today he won the Young Guns division 30-39 year olds.


For those of us that remain riding, we pile up the pain, scars, broken bones, slams, etc. which become markers to our personal stories which easily relate to other skaters. Those that don’t go through it just don’t know.  Anyhow, to my knowledge this is the first time there has been a contest with an over 50 division. Few are left. Most skaters in their 50’s are left with fond memories and aching bodies from a life long battle against gravity. Fewer still are able to skateboard on any given day like a contest day. Today we saw a select few who were willing and able to rip ride the concrete pit in Van Nuys Ca. These dudes, one and all, inspire us younger (yet old), skate rats more then they know.


 Rich Sanchez, winner of the 40-49 year olds, has been sweating to the oldies longer then Richard Simmons.
Rich Sanchez, winner of the 40-49 year olds, has been sweating to the oldies longer then Richard Simmons.


Eddie Hadvina - Winner of the grand Masters, 50 +, Hi on life and high on a tuck knee.
Eddie Hadvina – Winner of the grand Masters, 50 +, Hi on life and high on a tuck knee.


The hardest trick when riding at this stage in life is getting people your age motivated to skate with. Attrition again takes it’s toll when skaters get old enough to be raising new skaters and jobs and stress have been known to make a person tired. I salute the few soldiers who remain! Those that have fought through life to still be able to find themselves addicted to grinding defenseless pool blocks on their wooden toys get my utmost respect. To all those who have gone down in flames along the way we all wish you were here to join us. Heal up and come on back to the game when you can.


Quite a crew of participants - I can't even count the years of experience between them all. Combined, were' talking several hundred years worth...
Quite a crew of participants – I can’t even count the years of experience between them all. Combined, were’ talking several hundred years worth…



1) Eddie Hadvina
2) Chuck Hultz
3) Robert Weddle
4) Carlos Novo
5) Steve Wright

1) Rich Sanchez
2) Ron Chatman
3) Jim Gray
4) Aaron Glasscock
5) Jeff Greenwood

1) Michael Buckley
2) George Watanabe

3) Zack Mayall

4) Kevin Davis

Kevin Bradley – 1st place, Longest gap ollie


Kevin Davis, flying high today!
Kevin Davis, flying high today!


Our DJ, Chris keeping the pace,
Our DJ, Chris keeping the pace,


Ron Chatman - 2nd Place 40-49. Ripped with style!
Ron Chatman – 2nd Place 40-49. Ripped with style!



George Watanabe - Speed and style all around the bowl - 2nd - 30-39.
George Watanabe – Speed and style all around the bowl – 2nd – 30-39.


Jim Gray - None went fast with a bigger smile. 3rd - 40-49.
Jim Gray – None went fast with a bigger smile. 3rd – 40-49.


Aaron Glasscock - worked all inches of the pool block and turned on a dime with them custom trucks. 4th - 40-49.
Aaron Glasscock – worked all inches of the pool block and turned on a dime with them custom trucks. 4th – 40-49.





Heidi Lemmon, from the SPAUSA, is the brainchild of this series. She first mentioned she wanted to do it about a year ago, maybe more. Well, one day I got a flyer in the email box and she was going for it. I was stoked to see it happening. Thanks to the judges, Chuck and Jim for Mc-ing, Chris for the DJ-ing, Yoshi for mc and judging help. Marty Grimes for all the support. I also need to thank OG Eddie for the camera and pics, and also David Barker for his picture of the group. Thanks to the sponsors listed on the Flyer:

#2 The next event is going to be at Skatelab in the Birch Bowl on May 19 and its double points.

#3 Santa Monica at the Cove
#4 undecided
#5 Championship at Pedlow

Don’t be a puss! Come out and skate the next one!