Cheapskates Skatepark - PA: VIDEOS
Cheapskates Skate Park 1990 Bowl Jam
Cheapskates Skate Park 1990 Bowl Jam
Aug 24, 2010
Straight from Team Bronski's Video Vault comes a bowl session at the infamous Cheapskates Skate Park in PA. This video was shot in 1990 before Cheapskates opened their street skating section.
Always worth cutting school for, I remember it taking us hours to get to. We would often be the only ones in the whole park, like this day. The bowl was half pool copping (near side) and had a nice roll in on the left and was connecting via spine with a 6 foot half pipe. For many of us, this was out first real bowl riding experience. We had all ridden pool in the neighborhood (Raidbow Pool R.I.P.) but nothing this big.