Product Reviews

Hessian Sessions DVD – Broken Magazine

Broken Magazine
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Hessian Sessions DVD - Broken Magazine
Hessian Sessions DVD – Broken Magazine

Nick Gates has one of the best underground Pool Skating movies of the year with this ‘Hessian Sessions’ DVD. It’s got a ton of killer footy from pools between San Clemente CA. and Las Vegas NV. (Pala, Pink Motel, Kirks, Spitfire, Basic, and loads more shredded by bros and pros) If your a pool shredder then chances are good that your in this thing. That being the case I think it’s clear you’ll be stoked to get a copy. It’s straight pool ripping with a heavy/punk sound track, just right for most gnar pool dogs. Get yourself copy from and help a fellow pool shark keep up his great website and video productions. You can get DVD ($17 bones) or VHS ($10 bones)!