Feature Article

Unsung Heroes – Bart Saric

An artist of many mediums, Bart continues to “move-ahead” while never forgetting the past and respecting those who came before. If you think I hold Bart to some high standards, your right. The man has never let me down, and now a few words from the man himself…

As I continue my series of writings about today’s Heroes forgotten, I find myself looking deeply into the reality of what an “Un-Sung Hero” is. After some consideration and searching, I have determined that an Un-Sung hero is more than just a person, they are almost to the point of being “Iconic”. Not by selfish self-promotion, but by the work they have accomplished over time (no matter how long or short of time it has been). These individuals have left their mark on skateboarding forever. Their work historic, to the point of being passed up by sheer design. Snuck in and stabilized over time by constant use. We may interact everyday with their art or creations and never even know it.

One such individual is Mr. Bart Saric. I’m sure his name rings a bell to those of us who have been in the game a long time. To others perhaps it’s just a name. Know one can deny the impression and stamp Bart’s art and videos has had on skateboarding. From killer board graphics, to murals in Venice, to comic strips in JUICE Magazine; Bart has done it all. His skate videos have led the way into the future of today’s skate-flicks and yet have held true to the reality of the lifestyle. An artist of many mediums, Bart continues to “move-ahead” while never forgetting the past and respecting those who came before. If you think I hold Bart to some high standards, your right. The man has never let me down, and now a few words from the man himself…

Bart Saric - 1987
Bart Saric – 1987

As much as I don’t want to believe it, sure….I can identify. In fact, I still have to explain myself to people who don’t listen. I still have to prove myself everyday, even though I’ve got 2 1/2 + decades of experience under my belt. I still have to sweat people that are being ignorant & still get sweated by those who are dying to live. I’m still not financially wealthy. So, O.k. I’m still compelled to express as much as I did when I was 15 years old & continue to do so. The attempt is to keep things as real up in my field, as possible.

I’ve been celebrated, hated, graded, plagiarized & held in high order. But, I still came back for more and for the simple fact, I want more. To fulfill the appetites of my true artistry & the fact that, realistically, it may never be satisfied, merely enlightened. Let’s just say, that I’ve come to terms with it. Realizing , I can’t quit something I am. Some people like to call it The Artist’s Curse. I sense jealousy in the term. I know better, than to pass such judgement on myself. Everyone is capable of art and some create it without knowing.

So, when I was asked to write this, I immediately thought of the source…..The source of my chaos. Normally, motivated by inspiration and from inspiration comes the timeless work of an artist. Real artists never cease. If we remain true in regard and persevere to offer what it is that glows inside of us.

Bart Saric 2005
Bart Saric 2005

We are asked to sit and think of the song, un-sung……..Ridiculous it may seem to a hero, an artist, a leader, an individual. It is but a dog tag that has been awarded to me. Nevertheless, I wear it with pride. For it is a portion of my history as a soldier of dreams.

I just wanted to take the time here to thank those that have paved the roads before me and let them know the intentions of my imprints to be a reflection of equal quality, if not more. If I didn’t respect, question and or understand my role and passion in this moment, I would probably take this honor as a trick. Instead, I pause to re-confirm my convictions as a person, father, husband, artist, skateboarder, surfer and present un-sung hero. I will continue to sing well after the rest of the crowd has come around to hum my tune.

Bart Saric graphic design in the home woods
Bart Saric graphic design in the home woods 2006

Bart Saric 032006

Skater Made Skateboards