Feature Article

ProSkater.com 2000


It was strange, I was standing on the platform of the vert ramp shooting video at the B3 in Lake Havasu last spring and I noticed a couple vert pros were sporting stickers with their name.com. After a while I remembered to check out their websites and see what they had to offer. Then, I noticed nobody had complied any kind of pro skater website list so I though it would be cool to see how many websites were out there that directly dealt with one pro skater as it’s subject. So I typed in about 100 of the more common pro names like Muska, Hawk, Jamie Thomas, Chad Fernandez, etc. and came up with this beginning of a list and rating of what the site had for contents. In a way I was surprised I didn’t find more than I did, but in another way I think it was a good thing that pro skaters today are concerned more with skateboarding rather than a website. I did enjoy the homegrown feel to Vallely, Burnquist, and Smoliks websites since they had done the work themselves. The others seem contrived and perfect.  My least favorite had to be the Tony Hawk sight which was trying to get money to join it.  There were a few that were under construction and a few where I couldn’t tell if they were being sat on by outsiders trying to ransom the names to the pro skater or if they were in development. If you know of any more drop me a line @ jeff@concretedisciples.com and I’ll check them out. – Jeff Greenwood

Rating 1-10
Tony Hawk
Tony Hawk

Tony Hawk
Free/Pay Tony Hawks official fan club site. 2 versions,
the free one and the $19.95 per year. We’re going to pass up on the autographed
Tony Hawk photo and go to the free site. It contains a road journal, Tony’s bio, Tour schedule, Pictures and video clips are plenty, trick list of Tony’s first evers, merchandise (t shirts) for sale, and that’s about it. It is a well kept up site. 
Ed Templeton
Ed Templeton

Ed Templeton
Free (The official unofficial website) – This
site is a collection of everything related to pro skater Ed Templeton. It’s got interviews, ads, photos from other publications, a funny animated templeton movie clip, tour dates from the TumYeto homepage. Pretty much everything about Ed Templeton that was published by someone else. If you’re a fan of Ed’s it’s a great stop. 
Andy Macdonald
Andy Macdonald

Andy Macdonald
Free Well, you start with only 2 choices, go
to Andy’s Room or go to the contact info. We opted for the room first. You have to scroll around a comic scene to find various areas of the site. First we found the photos section, then the 5 favorite (changing things) area, Andy’s Heroe’s, 1st time dropping in story, contest results from 1998 to present, 3 video clips, and an e-mail form where Andy will write
back a few lucky visitors. 
Bucky Lasek
Bucky Lasek

Bucky Lasek
Free This site is housed by a big athlete company
who does the upkeep on it. It’s real flash fancy. It’s supposed to be your
direct link to Bucky. There are several brief interviews, several video
clips, a photo gallery, some of Bucky’s writings, his history/bio. It’s
a good site.

Mike Vallely

Mike Vallely
Free Has a Regular column in his archives,
a photo biography, Lots of Vallely’s writings, his touring schedule, Links
to all his sponsors, and an e-mail address he responds to regularly. Great
skater, and a great site. 
Mathias Ringstrom
Mathias Ringstrom
Free This site is housed by a big athlete company
who does the upkeep on it. It’s real flash fancy. It’s supposed to be your
direct link to Mathias. There are several brief interviews, several video
clips, a photo gallery, some of Mathias’ writings, his history/bio. It’s
a good site.
Tony Alva
Tony Alva
Free Takes you to a webpage that has a few
pictures of T.A. ripping. Some homage paid to the skateboard legend, then
hemp lip balm and t-shirts for sale!? After you get over that and cruise
the site a little more there are many Alva related products for sale via
the internet and a few skatepark listing with photos. 
Bob Burnquist
Bob Burnquist
Free Positive words, airline flight attendant
funnies (he does travel a lot), just a couple photos, a few video clips.
It seems as though his last updates were in October 1999. But, it’s still
cool to see that he has built everything by himself. Maybe a few e-mail
requests can get him to put up some more stuff. I have seen him shooting
photo’s recently… 
Peter Smolik
Peter Smolik
Free Cool! Punk sight straight from Smolik
and his bro. This site had a very personal flavor and some early on pics
of Peter. A couple video clips, but hasn’t been updated in a long time.