Feature Article

M.V.P. Press day

M.V.P. Press day
…can the chimp really skate like in the Trailer we pointed you to in our news section? Well today we found out and saw it for ourselves…

Bob Burnquist and the Chimp who skates.
Bob Burnquist, the trainer, and the Chimp who skates.

Skateboarding Chimp Video

Well it was a strange day indeed. The winds blew around the valley that there was going to be a skateboarding chimp and Bob Burnquist at the Northridge Skatepark for publicity shots. The reason; M.V.P.. A kids movie about skateboarding and a chimp. With notable skaters slated to be in it, including Burnquist, Alex Chalmers, Sluggo, Ryan Sheckler, it should hold up on the skateboarding end of things. But can the chimp really skate like in the Trailer we pointed you to in our news section? Well today we found out and saw it for ourselves.

We found out that yes he can skate. He has a slot to put his front foot into to help him turn. He never slams because he has great balance and a low center of gravity. He eats tons of organic vegetable all day. There are actually 2 chimps that skated in this movie. He just likes to have a good time.