Product Reviews

Weirdo Skateboards

Weirdo Skateboards

A skateboard is skateboard. Whether expediting in horizontal drift down a caustic, asphalt incline in San Francisco, sliding through the unforgiving deathbox of a cracked, plaster pool in San Bernardino County, or flipping past a schoolyard stair set of joint-snapping heights in ostentatious Hollywood, the medium for destruction remains the same. Its popularity ebbs and flows and its shape is sometimes radically altered in an attempt to achieve absolute functionality, but none the less remains a skateboard still.

A Weirdo Skateboard is a skateboard just like every other skateboard. Manufactured under the immaculate eye of Paul Schmitt, an iconic deck-maker and skater, Weirdo’s boards are pressed, cut, and screened to the satisfaction of even the most contemptuous of skaters. Being of domestic descent and skater designed and built, Weirdo may justly vaunt of the quality instilled into each board fabricated under the ceiling of the Southland, PS Stick factory.

Skateboarding is skateboarding. The act of skateboarding is a communal yet individual experience that is blind to age, borders, cultural differences, and animosity. Skateboarding is intransigent in its universal acceptance and propensity towards tolerance. Weirdo skateboards may be purchased by clicking the link.