smorgasBOARD Book Review
“A cultural and edible journey into skateboarding” is truly not a misgiving! I spent time traveling with my now friend Josh Sutton who puts together a quite impressive plate of life wherever he seems to go. He served up us skaters on a trip around Wales and England 2 years ago and I got to experience this incredible force of cooking and vacuum of skateboarding information in a way most never will.
Recipe for Josh:
You start out quite ripe (old) dad and not intended for a dish, but your mother-in-law says he’s going in! He takes the wheel and drops into a world he’s late to arrive to, but he’s open to digesting it. Not long after he’s falling in love with it!
Surprise-surprise he’s doing quite well as the temperature is turned up. You can’t get comfortable as a beginner skater for many years, but even worse if your over 50, that’s blasphemy! Josh is committed!
Your frog friend says it might be time to stir the proverbial pot. That means, take a road trip with skaters who are strangers and have been skating since they left the womb. A crash course in getting the pot boiling and locking in some flavor before its too late. Shake, Drive, Grill, Bake, Grind, Drink, roasty / boasty flavors are now at your disposal.
All cooked up and ready for serving! Josh takes what he’s being served and returns it out as a new dish he’s serving, only better than any of his contemporaries can do. smorgasBOARD is a compilation of all this skateboarding and cooking Josh has done in recent years on his journeys. I’ve seen his stoke fired up high in San Diego as he discovered local taco flavors he’d never seen before. I’ve shopped and cooked in Wales with the man himself on our roadtrip (outlined in the book and written up here) and he is the man!
This man (Josh) seems really adept at translating new situations he comes across and making great food out of it. This book is not only a fun read, educational in context, but it will make you a great meal. All I need to do is figure out how much a ‘Glug and a ‘Knob’ is to master his recipes.
All review weirdness aside, Josh has created a new masterpiece of mashing words, art, recipes, photography, and skateboarding into a fantastic book. Shipping might be pricey if your getting it in the USA, but Europe should be fine on the shipping costs.
- is where to get it
- £18:00 plus p&p (shipping) – It’s a deal!!
- Josh Sutton the author and publisher of Redfez Books