Product Reviews


Skate All Cities

Skate All Cities
Skate All Cities

Skate All Cities is more of a skate crew than a company. They are based out of Los Angeles and began in 1993. One of the members is former product review person 5Tall, who told me that most of the members have the skate all cities initials tattooed on them DIY style. Now considering the deck was given to me by the guy who I basically took his job from him I was skeptical. I opened the box slowly expecting it to blow up or catch fire, or have bullets start coming out or something. Well after I didn’t blow up, get anthrax, or anything else I setup the deck and rode it.

For starters the deck is a great size and shape. Its 8.25 which is wide enough for bowls and pools, yet small enough to snap a kickflip. I rode this deck on ramps, bowls, and skateparks and it performed great in all areas. The board has also done a few straight hits to the nose, but the board held together fine, so you know it is made of quality wood.

You can check out the skate all cities website and myspace and see if your local skateshop carries them.