Feature Article

Skateboarding Hall of Fame Inductions 2020 & 2021

Skateboarding Hall of Fame Inductions 2020 & 2021
Skateboarding Hall of Fame Inductions 2020 & 2021. Stage and front of the crowd,

What a fantastic evening under the stars at Vans Headquarters for the Skateboarding Hall of Fame to make the inductions of so many great skateboarding legends and icons. Even Covid could not stop the revelry. This celebration included the inductees from the Years 2020 and 2021, two years because Covid did put a damper on the former years live inductions. That meant that this time the inductees speeches were not allowed and I think that was missed, but the Icons still got to add a lot of flavor. A couple skaters were undeterred and grabbed the mic anyways. It was an event PACKED WITH LOVE!

This article has been a work in progress for almost a year now and I’ll drop in more acceptance speeches/notes as I can find them.

Best try for a group shot at the end of the ceremony. Lots of Skateboarding Legends.

Doug “Pineapple” Saladino

Jerry ‘The Jer’ Valdez

Jerry getting a few words in at the ceremony

George Orton

Ed Nadalin

“Well, the SHOF event is over but I have a few photos to share from the night.. I am grateful to the skateboarding community for this recognition… I would like to thank Jack Smith, Dan Gesmer , Warren Sellars and Lisa Borland for joining me at the table for this special event. I would also like to reach out and thank Henry Larrucea (Larrucea), Cash, Daniel Gesmer, and of course the iconic mystic man Russ Howell for their video presentations in support of my induction into the Skateboarding Hall of Fame! Love you all!”

Chad Muska

“I would like to thank everyone who ever believed in me, every fan who ever supported me, every person who ever doubted me, every hater that ever tried to stop me.

When I was young I discovered skateboarding, it was my escape, my passion, my pain and my pleasure.

I dedicated my life to this passion simply because I loved it, no expectations or final outcome in mind.

I read the one Thrasher magazine I had over and over again. I looked at the images of Hosoi, Natas, Gonz and so many others as if they were untouchable super heroes.

Never in my life could I have imagined meeting them, let alone becoming friends with them and eventually being celebrated beside them.

As I progressed at skateboarding so did the industry, then came new idols like Ron Allen, Matt Hensley, Ray Barbee, Eric Dressen and Tommy Guerrero to name a few.

Then skateboarding died and was reborn into Street Skateboarding, this was my true love, I had discovered Hip Hop culture and saw this connection to Street Skating.

Leading this movement was @kareemcampbelldotcom who was and is a major mentor of mine.

I could not make it to the awards last night but I would like to thank Kareem for accepting my award on my behalf. I couldn’t be more honored for his support and love.

He made sure I was there with him even if it was just by phone call, he was also beyond deservingly inducted last night too!!!

I love you all, I have fulfilled my dreams, yet I still have many more to accomplish, I will keep this dream alive!



“SHoF forever ????????

Dennis Martinez

Dennis holding it high!

Terry Lawrence

Marty Grimes

Dennis Martinez and Marty Grimes

John ‘Tex’ Gibson & Billy Ruff

John “Tex” Gibson (2020)

@gibotex – “This is for all you unknown rippers who never ever get the recognition for your awesomeness you put in for the love. For you Texas Skate Cultural, The Unsung Hero’s.”

Billy Ruff (2021)

“What a great night at Skateboarding Hall of Fame induction 2020-21. There’s something special about the skate family. Whether it’s been a few days or 30+ years of time without seeing each other, we pick up right where we left off as if time stood still.

Thank you everyone that is part of a truly special industry.”

Deanna Calkins

John Freis

Bob Biniak – 2020

Rick Blackhart

The Dr. – Giving sage advice once again

Ray Barbee 2020 & Kareem Campbell 2021

Don “Waldo” Autry – 2020

Hobie Alter – Icon Award 2020

Paul Schmitt – Icon Award 2020

Paul Schmitt- “Below I shared these words in my speech Friday night”

“Thank you skateboarding for the Inspiration as it has let our paths cross over the years, and powers me forward every day.

I was influenced by the skateboarders of the 70’s on the pages of Skateboarder_Magazine and I have enjoyed the changes thru the 80’s 90’s & 2000’s as skateboarding moves along, just like my of career making and riding skateboards.

For that I thank you as everything I have done over the years has a been a reaction to those around me and what I see and has fulfilled me with a guiding purpose in life.

I have always been Analytical by nature and thus, I appreciate everyone who has ever been part of my feedback loop, it might have been directly, unknowingly, positively, or negatively you gave me something to analyze and react to and that has taken me on this amazing journey and made me who I am today.

I’m proud to be a man of science so I must say that every action has a reaction.
Please know that this is as much your award as it is mine.”

Chris Strople

Chris Strople Hall of Fame Induction

Eric Grisham – 2021

It just happens to be that I finally have time to recollect and that it also happens to be Thanksgiving, the ideal time for this post.

Wow the SHOF was absolute madness! It was a blur. So many people and not enough time and it didn’t help that my tables were far apart and the atmosphere was so dark you could barely see. But none the less I really appreciated every one of my invited guests for supporting me by attending, and I’m so sorry I didn’t get a chance to spend more time with everyone, but please know it meant a lot. Thank you for your support, time, and effort. Mike Probert. John Erdman. Lou & Lois Peralta. The Variflex team. Skatercross crew. Jeremy Fletcher. Kruzzer. Matt and Susie Spencer. Greenwood. Marvin Moran. Nathan @glaboe.usa @fatcapcaptn

Fortunately speeches were discouraged, because I’m not much of a speaker, but I actually did have something prepared. I’ll give you the condensed version.

I would like to thank my family, my Skatecross days, my teammates, my Delmar days, my friends and skate friends, old and new, and a special shout out to the many I have lost along the way, family members, friends, skate friends, and a way too young shop team rider, their memories are held in my/our hearts. I also want to thank the SHOF for the acknowledgment, but the real stoke is… early on I found an outlet that I enjoyed and through this outlet I formed friendships, and still many years later this outlet continues to give me opportunities to meet so many different and creative people. “Thank you Skateboarding.”

Thanks to…
Tod Swank@foundationskateboards. Dave Andrecht. Paul Schmitt@professorschmitt . Osiris. Stereo @chrispastras. 187 pads.… for keeping me in the game.

One last special recognition goes to Grosso and Mark Waters, thank you for your support!

Eric Grisham
Left to right: Mike Smith, Bobby Valdez, ?, John Hutson, Lonnie Toft, Bobby Piercy, Steve Cathey, & Dave Andrecht

Mike Smith, Bobby Valdez, ?, John Hutson, Lonnie Toft, Bobby Piercy, Steve Cathey, & Dave Andrecht

2021: , Tina Trefethen, Kareem Campbell, Mike Vallely, Mike Smith, Steve Cathey, Lonnie Toft, Kent Senatore, John Hutson, Dave Andrecht, Bobby Valdez, Bobby Piercy, Skitch Hitchcock, Denis Shufeldt, ,

Chris Yandall – 2021

Colleen Boyd Turner – 2021

Steve Cathey

Cliff Coleman – 2021

Cliff Coleman

Skitch Hitchcock