Review Detail

Washington Skateparks S skateparks 792
It has 2 burly bowls that are round at the bottom and triangular towards the top. Each triangular section is like a mound/hippish type thing. There are no flat lips in the bowls and they spine at a monstrous point about 9-10 feet high. Don't even worry about the spine cuz each side opposing it is only 6 feet so there aint no way in hell to get speed for it. Any way... you can air pretty good outta one of the bowls into the street course where its pretty small but all bowled in. A good rectangle juts out from one flat wall about 2.5 feet high. A large 6 ft. burm/bank goes from low to high to low again with some token coping on top. I did get a couple grinds in but its not that easy. then there is a little twinkie shaped bump in the middle, real fun to fly over quick like, and a trannied both sides funbox with a good rail down it. It also has stairs off one side. This is about 3 feet high. With speed you can clear the whole thing. Then along the other bowled side there are some stairs in the middle then a good rounded pyramid with a grind ledge stretching out approx. 10 feet either way from the top. It's really fun cuz you can just keep on going and going! Dropping into the burly bowls and getting air out is always a good start to a line around a skatepark.
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