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skate park aix en provence
Français (France) Skateparks J jeff-g 794
Aix en Provence is a lovely city about 35kms from Marseille, and the city is well worth a visit. It also has several skate spots lying around. This one is the typical late 90's park which has been replicated a thousand times
across the country (for example, there are about 5 similar new in the area): as usual it has a pyramid , a mini ramp and a quarter pipe, a couple rails, a bank and a combination of ledges and eurogap. There is also a micro-tranny (about 1 meter high) to practice on. It serves as a meeting point for the local street skaters on evenings and saturday afternoons, and if you need directions to ditches or interesting spots, they could pro ably help you out. There is not much for tranny skaters, but you can have fun for half an hour hitting the obstacles or grinding the mini if you happen to walk or drive by. It is not worth the trip alone, as you're bound to encounter similar parks in many parts of the country, usually filled with kids on scooters or mini-bikes.
There is a skateshop in Aix-en-Provence (see , owned by ex-90's vert pro Bruno Rouland , and he has his own, massive vert ramp.
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