Skateboarding News


This is the preliminary plan and is not final, expect changes to this design

In December 2006 I went up to the design meeting for the upcoming Santa Clarita CA skatepark. There is currently a park there but it is going to be removed and a new one built in the same park which will be much better. The most likely construction start date is beginning of 2008. The city will try to keep the old one up and running as long as possible with as minimal time lost between the new construction getting opened and the removal of the old park.

We met with city resident skaters, city officials, Site Design Group, and others in a meeting room right off the current park for about 2 hours. We sat through presentations on Site Design, the new city park plans, etc…. After 45 minutes of that stuff we got broke off into 6 teams and came up with what everybody thought was most important for the new park. We then all reviewed each others plans to get the feel for what everyone had in mind. It was pretty unanimous that this community wanted the best of both worlds as far as tranny and street goes.

Site Design took all 6 of our groups layouts and kinda put them into this one plan and called this second meeting on Feb 10th to unveil it and discuss it . The second meeting went pretty smoothly and the design is pretty awesome. The most concern raised was the tunnel under the street course / walkway not having good enough sight lines which was a minor issue in the big picture. I was impressed with how much skate terrain they squeezed into this design without making it feel like it was squeezed together.

From the illustration above it is hard to tell a lot of the details and the drawing hides things under the trees and umbrellas you might wish to see. I’ll try to explain:
– Along the left side is a 200 foot long ditch that will have lots of different features. at the lower left will be a beginner area with basic small ledges and funbox.
– Along the bottom above berm seating is a skateable stage area.
– In the middle is 2 flow areas connected underground via a tunnel (not a fullpipe) which will be about 5 feet tall trannies inside with enough room to stand on. The bowl area on the right is most likely the one which will have a full on cradle.
– From the bottom right to the top middle is a down hill cascading stair case/ledges street area.
– The top of the drawing is the main street plaza where the big handrail/hubba ledges will be showcased in front of a skateable amphitheater.

All of this information and illustration is subject to change. I am only trying to convey this info as best I can from the meeting. We will try to keep everyone as best informed as we can of changes that will likely occur.

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